The Interact for Good Program

Give youth a voice

We believe all people need to have a voice in how Technology and Sustainability developments have impact on today’s and tomorrow’s society.

Presenting the Interact for Good program 2020

We have created the Interact for Good program 2020. The aim of the program is to give youth an important voice. We want to hear their opinion about city interactions in the future.


Interact Value started at the end of 2018 a multi-year "Interact for Good" program on the Future of Communication. We actively encourage young people to think about valuable interactions between people under the influence of the emergence of smart digital technologies in a city. We literally give young people a voice. We say "yes" to inclusion & interaction.

Technology is changing the way we live, work, live and shop. Interact. Value: wants to make participants aware of a changing future in a positive and active way. Indeed, changes in technological developments have an effect on communication in a society. Technology makes processes easier in many cases. However, the question is at what price? Are we aware, for example, of the consequences of automation with regard to our privacy and security?

What are we working on at the moment?

Interact for Good

  • Online & Offline Sessions where youth can give their voice about the future of communication in the City.
  • Trend watching new Technology.


  • Awareness in an Art form on an open Space.


  • Interact for Good / City Interactions Event

The City Interaction Map

  • “The Future of Communication is created by You!” Periodically we produce a city interaction map presenting how targeted audiences view future interactions in the city.

Say yes to Interact for Good. Say yes to Inclusion and Interaction.

Help us give all youth a voice!

Program sponsoring

Our purpose driven organization needs partners and sponsors. If you want to join our mission, then contact us.